In 1911, a small group of Law Enforcement officers banded together to form a group known as the Sheriffs’ Association.
The main objective of this group was to improve communications between the various officials in different counties. Another objective, much as it is today, was to become better acquainted with other people in the Criminal Justice System.

The Sheriffs’ Association remained much the same as it was when it was formed until 1939, when there was a demand for an Association which was inclusive of the entire Criminal Justice System.
As a result of this demand, the North Dakota Peace Officers’ Association was formed out of the nucleus of the Sheriffs’ Association.
At that time, States Attorney and later to become judge, Eugene Burdick drew up the first set of bylaws for the Association. The membership dues in 1939 were $11.00 including insurance benefits. Over 100 years later, dues are only $40.00.
The Association has grown from its original handful in 1911, to less than 100 in 1939, to its present membership of over 1,000 today. With your help and cooperation, we may someday, have all of the Criminal Justice System as members of the North Dakota Peace Officers’ Association.
Membership Benefits
Fellowship of others in the Criminal Justice system in North Dakota.
Emergency relief fund for members in a time of need, in the sum of $500.
Lobbyist at legislative sessions representing the North Dakota Peace Officers Association in an attempt to gain beneficial legislation for the Criminal Justice System in North Dakota.
Online newsletter containing such items as news about members of the NDPOA, the changing roles of people involved in the Criminal justice system and new requirements and standards.
Awards for achievements such as lifesaving, bravery, outstanding service, etc.
Active members who have children going to be attending a college within the state of North Dakota can apply for a $300 scholarship.
Strength in numbers. One voice representing and speaking for the entire Criminal Justice system is much more likely to be heard where it counts than many voices speaking for their own small group.
Annual convention, where the members gather to take care of business requirements, gain training and POST training hours towards their careers and career goals, as well as some friendly competitions.